After multiple months of just throwing everything into the garage and random rooms, it is time to clean everything up throughly, maybe get rid of some old stuff, and reorganize in a way, that makes it easier to keep tidy, i.e., maybe get some new shelves or boxes, borrow a label maker from work etc.

There are also some other ToDos we can attack that day, if we have enough people/cars/trailers

- repair the fence
- buy and install a waching machine
- pick-up and potentially install the new kitchen/discard the old one

The start is quite early for a Saturday, but there will be an audit by the club starting from 11'o clock. We want to clean up the worst parts before that and also have enough time left to react if we or they find something that needs to be done unexpectedly. Last, but not least: from 15:15h we will watch the six nations (Ireland vs France!).

Thanks for everybody who is coming. Please write in the group or comment if you want to take responsibility for a certain task, can drive etc.


Nico N Simon L Ben P Christian W Henry B Claas B Bert Patrick v Lucas P Nils M Tobias F
Patrick M Rupert A Atharva A Sheol-Ho M Lucas G Sam Vincent Sebi Davide V Carl L Anakin B Guennadi Marlon T Xaver
Angelo Artem Ernesto A Ettore R Franz P Freddy Gerrit K Jonathan L Kerim B Lars Marco W Mauro P Nils H Philipp B Sharif Théodore O Félix R Konstantin Martin B Lorenzo

Kommentiere ...

Henry hat sich angemeldet in

Can bring a car. Will be there for the morning, but not sure how long after lunc

Henry hat sich angemeldet in

Can bring a car. Will be there for the morning, but not sure how long after modd

Henry hat sich angemeldet in

Can bring a car. Will be there for the morning, but not sure how long I can stay

Bert hat sich angemeldet in

Ich komme auch mit Auto. Theoretisch könnten wir auch eine Waschmaschine kaufen?

Simon hat sich angemeldet in

Komme wahrscheinlich etwas später

Henry hat sich angemeldet in

Will join depending on my back, but with limited ability to lift things

Christian hat sich angemeldet in

Ich komme mit dem Auto

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Spieler 11 14
Trainer 0 0
Kontaktperson 0 0
Besucher 0
Total In 11 Out 14
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Training Di 4.3. um 19:00 19 16
Training Do 6.3. um 19:00 17 18
Sonstiges Sa 8.3. um 9:00 11 14
Training Di 11.3. um 19:00 16 22
Training Do 13.3. um 19:00 16 22

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